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Job Descriptions


​The president is the official representative of MaineMTA. The president must be a diplomatic leader, be businesslike in all work, and assume general responsibility for the welfare of the association.


General Duties: 

  • Determine places and dates for at least two executive board meetings per year. Send notification of meetings and agendas to the executive board members at least two days in advance.

  • Plan and preside over all executive board meetings and general membership meetings.

  • Appoint all standing and ad-hoc committees, as needed. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees when required, except the nominating committee.

  • Oversee the efficient functioning of vice presidents, chairs, and their committees.

  • Inform MTNA national headquarters of officer and chair appointments.  Notify them of all activities, policies and changes in the association.

  • When invited, attend local functions as representative of MaineMTA.

  • Either attend or send a representative to the MTNA Leadership Summit and the MTNA National Conference annually.

  • Attend or arrange for MaineMTA representation at the State President Advisory Council meeting at the MTNA National Conference.

  • Create the MaineMTA fall and spring newsletters. Newsletter should include, at minimum, a letter from the president, upcoming state events, association news, announcements, and a list of new members as well as newly certified members.

  • Keep separate files of MaineMTA’s Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, job descriptions, newsletters and other important documents in the Google Workspace drive.

  • Keep good records to ensure a smooth transition for the next president.




The president-elect assumes all duties of the president in the absence of the president and assists the president, as needed. The president-elect also serves as chair for the MTNA National Competitions.


General Duties:

  • Attend all executive board and general membership meetings.

  • Organize the MTNA National Competitions by July 1.

          - Secure a location and adjudicators in case a student enters

          - Communicate this information to MTNA.

  • Become familiar with the duties of the president.

  • Fulfill all duties of the president if the president is unable to do so.

  • Succeed to the office of president if for any reason the president cannot perform the duties of the office.

  • Keep good records to ensure a smooth transition for the next president-elect.




The immediate past president is a valuable resource to MaineMTA by virtue of his/her leadership experience and knowledge of the association’s operation. The immediate past president advises and supports the other officers.


General Duties:

  • Attend all executive board and general membership meetings.

  • Chair the nominating committee, which creates the next slate of officers for MaineMTA. (See Article V, Section 1of the MaineMTA Bylaws for guidance.)

  • Submit a new slate of officers to the president to be announced in the spring newsletter in even numbered years.

  • Fill unexpected board vacancies, with the approval of the board.

  • Act as an adviser during the orientation process of the incoming president.




The secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of the executive board and the association and perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the association.


General Duties:

  • Attend all executive board and general membership meetings.

  • Meeting minutes must be clear and well organized as they are legal records.

  • For executive board meetings, email recent meeting minutes to executive board members within two weeks.

  • Upload all meeting minutes to the appropriate folder in the MaineMTA Google Workspace drive.

  • Keep good records and ensure a smooth transition of office by carefully training the next secretary.




The treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing, in cooperation with the president, all financial affairs of the association. They shall be responsible for the preparation of periodic reports to the executive board, a written annual report to the entire membership, and perform such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the association.


General Duties:

  • Maintain the MaineMTA checkbook, digitally, on paper, or both. If digitally only, ensure there is a backup. The checkbook must be balanced monthly against bank statements for all MaineMTA accounts.

  • Complete annual governmental filings, as follows.

- Federal form 990N ePostcard
- Federal forms 1099MISC and 1096, as applicable
- Obtain completed W-9 forms for all contractors paid $600 or more by MaineMTA in any calendar year.
- Maine Annual Report

  • Write a treasurer’s report for each MaineMTA executive board meeting.

  • Write annual treasurer’s report for each MaineMTA general membership meeting.

  • Write summary financial reports for all MaineMTA events.

  • Take care of Accounts Payable. Write and distribute checks for the following programs:

- Pine Tree Music Competition – Winners, reimbursement of expenses, adjudicators, piano tuning, as applicable
- Piano Monster Festival – Hall rental, piano tuning and reimbursement of expenses, as applicable
- Fall Conference/Quad State Conference – Speakers’ honoraria, lunch costs, reimbursement of expenses, hall rental, as applicable
- Commissioned Composer honorarium
- President’s trip to the MTNA National Convention – reimburse half of cost
- Winners of MTNA national competitions, if any
- Annual costs related to maintenance of the website.
- Keep and organize paper documentation of these activities.

  • Take care of Accounts Receivable. Collect and deposit checks for all MaineMTA events and MTNA reimbursements

- Keep and organize paper documentation of these activities.

  • Keep the MaineMTA debit card and track purchases.

  • Attend executive board meetings.

  • Keep good records and ensure a smooth transition by carefully training the next treasure




The vice president of membership is an expert on the status of members within MaineMTA. This person collaborates with the president, treasurer and website admin to track and support the current membership.


General Duties:

  • Attend all executive board and general membership meetings.

  • Prepare and maintain three lists:

  1. Current members

  2. Certified members

  3. New members

  • Respond to inquiries from MTNA regarding MaineMTA membership.

  • In order to answer questions from prospective members, be familiar with the programs and operation of MaineMTA and MTNA.

  • Prepare and submit updates to the membership list for the president’s newsletters.

  • Brainstorm presentations regarding membership recruitment and retention to discuss at executive board and general membership meetings when requested.

  • Send a welcoming email to each new member that describes the many benefits of membership in MTNA and MaineMTA. Invite new members to the next MaineMTA event and the next local association meeting. Be prepared to act as a mentor for new members.

  • At the end of May of each year, prepare verbiage for a reminder email to the entire membership that annual dues are due on or before June 30th. Send this to the president who will send an association-wide email.

  • On June 30, download Maine’s membership list from MTNA to determine which members have not renewed. Send an email to each person who has not renewed, reminding them that their MTNA/MaineMTA membership is past due for the coming academic year. Remind them that if they don’t renew by August 30, their name will be removed from MaineMTA’s active members list.

  • By August 30, work with the website admin to update the Member Directory of active members on the website.

  • Throughout the year, notify the website admin of any changes in members’ contact information.

  • Send cards (congratulations, condolences, or get well, not thank you notes) when appropriate or when requested by the president.

  • Keep good records and ensure a smooth transition of office by carefully training the next vice president of membership.




The vice president for programs shall preside in the absence of the president, president-elect, and the vice president for membership, shall be responsible for planning a biennial fall conference, secure the featured artists and speakers, serve as host to the convention artists, and perform such other duties relating to the convention as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the association.


General Duties:

  • Oversees all student and teacher programs and facilitates communication about these programs with the executive board.

  • Plans and oversees the Fall Conference in odd-numbered years with the help of the executive board.

  • Participates in the planning committees of student events and serves as a liason between the committee and the executive board.

  • Keep good records and ensure a smooth transition by carefully training the next vice president of programs.​​​




General Duties:

  • Encourage all members to become nationally certified.

  • Assist in the certification process by providing information to prospective candidates. Become familiar with the documents in the Certification pages of the website in order to provide accurate and timely information to all applicants.

  • Mentor MaineMTA members who wish to become certified.

  • Receive updated information from MTNA about the certification program.

  • Maintain an up-to-date list of certified members.

  • Provide a list of newly certified members to the MaineMTA webmaster for posting on the active members page of the MaineMTA website.

  • Provide a list of newly certified members to the president for publication in the newsletter.

  • Report relevant information about certification (such as the number of newly certified members, the number of members actively pursuing certification, and changes in the certification program) at executive board and general membership meetings.

  • Communicate any concerns of MaineMTA members regarding the certification process to the MTNA Certification Chair.

  • Aid in efforts to educate the public about MTNA certification.

  • Ensure a smooth transition of office by carefully training the next certification chair.




 MaineMTA commissions a new work to be performed at each Quad State Conference (held in the fall of each odd-numbered year). MTNA supplies matching funds for the commission up to a specified amount, and the MTNA website provides detailed information about the composer commissioning process for state affiliates.


The MaineMTA commissioned composer chair recruits interested MaineMTA members to research and choose one composer who will create the commissioned work. This process typically begins directly after a Quad State Conference.


General Duties:

  • Stay up-to-date on the commissioning process as well as with all necessary procedures and deadlines. This information is available at under the heading ENGAGE.

  • Selected composers must have a specific connection to Maine, whether it be their home state, their summer residence, etc. Obviously, it is hard to set a rule for this outright, so candidates should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • The CC committee should be comprised of as many committee members as the CC chair deems necessary.

  • The CC committee will research composers and present a single recommendation to the executive board by the end of January of the even-numbered year before the next Quad State Conference. Provide website links and music samples.

  • Once the executive board approves the selected composer, the CC Chair will complete the online MTNA Composer Information Form and send it to MTNA.

  • The selected composer must be given at least one year to plan and compose the work.

  • The commissioned work must be complete by summer of the upcoming Quad State Conference (odd-numbered year).

  • Once the work is complete, the CC Chair sends copies of the music score to MTNA.

  • A timeline of more specific tasks can be found in the CC Chair’s folder on the MaineMTA Google Workspace drive.




The biennial Pine Tree Music Competition (PTMC) is a competitive student event that is held in May in odd-numbered years. Detailed guidelines for running this program exist in digital files on the MaineMTA Google Workspace drive.


General Duties:

  • Work with your co-chair to coordinate the logistics and manpower needed to run the biennial competition in May in odd-numbered years, based on the parameters approved by the MaineMTA executive board.

  • Notify the executive board of the date and location of the competition.

  • Work with your co-chair to delegate tasks involved in the following areas:  sponsors, judges, monitors, publicity, programs and scheduling.

  • Present a proposed competition budget to the executive board.

  • Ensure that the competition is financially self-supporting through registration fees, business sponsorships, and program advertising.

  • Prepare financial reports for the vice president of programs and the executive board before and after the event.

  • Attend all executive board meetings at which the PTMC is on the agenda.

  • Maintain and update all digital files and be available to train the next PTMC co-chairs.​​​​​




The Biennial Piano Monster Festival (PMF) is a non-competitive student event that is held in March of even-numbered years.  Detailed guidelines for running this program exist in digital files as well as in a binder.


General Duties:

  • Work with your co-chair to coordinate the logistics and manpower needed to run the biennial PMF as outlined in guidelines in a binder as well as in digital files.    

  • Notify the executive board of the date, location and conductor nine months before the event. 

  • Present a proposed budget to the executive board around that same time.

  • Choose the repertoire together in July according to the guidelines of past festivals.

  • Receive applications from participating teachers at the end of October so that teachers have plenty time to secure the music for their participating students.

  • Confirm repertoire choices with all participating teachers before the Thanksgiving break.

  • Attend any executive board meetings when the PMF is on the agenda.  Ensure that the  PMF is financially self-supporting through registration fees and business sponsorships.

  • Prepare a financial report directly after the event to submit to the vice president of programs and the executive board. 

  • Maintain and update all PMF files.

  • Keep good records and be available to train your successors.




The website admin shall update and maintain the MaineMTA website regularly to reflect the current activity of the association.


General Duties:

  • Post information for all upcoming MaineMTA-sponsored events as they become available, including dates, locations, event descriptions, and application forms. Create pages for newly created events, as required.

  • Post concert information of MaineMTA members when notified.

  • Delete information about past MaineMTA events and create placeholder verbiage.

  • Update the officers list on the Officers Page as needed.

  • Update the Member Directory page as needed in collaboration with the VP of membership.

  • Update local association meeting dates, including locations, agendas, and news.

  • Make updates to Constitution and Bylaws pages when revisions are made.

  • Keep tabs on any renewals concerning ongoing website maintenance.

  • Send any bills related to website maintenance to the MaineMTA treasurer.

  • Provide technical and best practice advice to the executive board regarding any website-related issue.  

  • Answer questions from members regarding use of the website, including access issues and passwords.

  • Ensure a smooth transition of office by carefully training the next website admin.​

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