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About Us

The Maine Music Teachers Association is a non-profit 501c3 organization of independent music teachers dedicated to serving member teachers, their students, and communities in Maine.


In concert with the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and affiliated local associations, we encourage excellence in music education by guiding interested teachers through the process of MTNA National Certification, offering professional development opportunities for private music teachers, and sponsoring performance opportunities for music students at all levels.


We promote the professional prestige of independent music teachers and seek to nurture the next generation of music lovers by supporting musical activities in schools and communities throughout the state.

MTNA/MaineMTA History

The Music Teachers National Association was founded in 1876 by Theodore Presser and sixty-two colleagues in Delaware, Ohio. The mission of MTNA is to advance the study and making of music and to support independent music teachers.


In 1975, the Maine state affiliate of MTNA was founded by University of Maine at Orono music professor, Kathryn Ann Foley. Her students, Alison Barr and Elizabeth Manduca were among the first collegiate members and are still active members in the MTNA family today.

Officers, Committee Chairs, and Administrators


President: Amy Irish, NCTM

President Elect: Jacqueline Savage, NCTM

Immediate Past President: Christine Kissack, NCTM

Secretary: Morgan Lee

Treasurer: Elaine Thomas

VP Membership: William Sawyer

VP Programs: Maya Doumas, NCTM


Committee Chairs

Certification Chair: Christine Kissack, NCTM

Commissioned Composer Chair: Anastasia Antonacas

Pine Tree Music Competition Co-Chairs:  Jacqueline Savage, NCTM and Elizabeth Hasbrouck, NCTM

Piano Monster Festival Co-Chairs: To be determined



Website Admin: Alan Kissack (Interim)

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